This page had originally started as a little music/media project I was working on last year (2016), unfortunately it never really took off.  However, I recently restarted writing little devotions after some various conversations, and thought perhaps it would be worth sharing. After all, if we share a message, and it helps even one person, is it not worth sharing? My hope is that the things I share, would help change even one life; that someone would be impacted, and they'd never be the same.

     The bible calls us to lift up our brothers and sisters, the love our neighbours, and be a light in the world. I hope to accomplish at least some of that with these ramblings I post.


     I grew up in the 90's, and my music consists primarily of grunge, 90's punk, and worship music. I started taking music in school when I was about 10 years old, and went as far as marching in parades. As a teenager I wanted to be in a rockband so I picked up a cheap guitar and started playing some awful sounding music.
     I made some mistakes in my past that have lead me to where I am today, but that can be for a post down the road. I get the opportunity now to raise the coolest little boy with an incredible woman that sees something in me I mustn't haha. Even in my mistakes, I've learnt things about God, His love, grace, and mercy. I worship a loving, and beautiful God.


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